European Symposium on Religious Art Restoration & Conservation

Call for papers

All participants are invited to submit their contribution before 15th February, 2023 (max 4 pages) specifying the session in which the paper is addressed to. The contribution must be original and must have not been previously presented to any other meeting or submitted for publication. The abstract must be submitted by e-mail attachment to the conference secretariat: The abstract texts, prepared according to the template, should be prepared in English (UK) as MS document. The Scientific Committee will review all abstracts and will send the acceptance as oral presentation or poster, until 28th February 2023. Only accepted contributions of the authors, who have paid their registration fees till 1st May 2023 will be scheduled for presentation. The volume will be published by Kermes Quaderni. Selected articles will be published in a scientific journal European Journal of Science and Theology which is indexed in WEB of SCIENCE (WoS) Core colection and SCOPUS database.








Submission requirements

The manuscripts should be targeted to one of the topics of ESRARC 2023 conference.

Language: Manuscripts should be written in British English.

Manuscript Length: The manuscripts should have maximum 4 pages length, including illustrations (tables, figures, graphs).The illustrations should be included in the last page of the manuscript.

Manuscript Guidance

Divide your manuscript into clearly defined and numbered sections. The authors should present their work using the below mentioned manuscript style. Please download and use the Template below when you prepare your manuscript. Taking into account the possible different type of manuscripts (technical or theoretical), the authors could choose between Operational goals or Materials and Methods, Results or Outcomes in order to present their work better. The figures, tables and graphs (maximum number of 4) should be placed at the end of the paper, each one on a separate page. The minimum resolution accepted should be 300 dpi and real dimensions of 10×13 cm. Each image, figure or table should be numbered in the same way as it appears in the text. The captions and numbers are placed below the figure, table or graph.


Registration fee

Author: 250 € before 8 th April, 2023, 300 € after 8 th April, 2023

Participant co-author: 100 € / co-author

Poster: 100 € / paper (the fee do not include lunch, welcome dinner and conference volume)

Reduced fee for students (under 35, including doctoral students and fellows): 100 €.

The registration fee covers the conference documents, 2 lunches, coffee breaks, welcome dinner, and conference volume.

In certain situations the Organizing Committee might offer grant reduction of the fees. For further details contact the Symposium's Secretariat.



- Tthe organizers will grant special awards "Daniel Mareci" for the young researches.


Payment methods

The registration fee must be paid by Bank Transfer. Please remember that 1st May 2023 is the final payment deadline for the authors, who will be scheduled in the Conference Program.


Bank transfer address:

The conference fee can be paid in EURO at the day payment currency as follow:

Beneficiary: OAIMDD-EJST

Address: Blvd. D. Mangeron 73, 700050, Iași, România

Bank: ALPHA BANK, Branch Code 103 (Iasi, Romania)

Bank address: Sf. Lazăr street no. 64-66, 700049 Iași, România

Swift code: BUCUROBU

for Euro payment: IBAN: RO29BUCU1031215940037EUR

for RON payment: IBAN: RO84BUCU1032235333665RON

Please mention on your payment order "for ESRARC2023".


Name and address of the organization:

Regarding the note, please specify for “ESRARC2023” and write your name.


The final payment deadline for the authors, who will be schleduled in the conference program: 1st May 2023.



Additional instructions

The working language of the conference will be English.


Ethical and legal conditions

Submission of the contributions for publication in ESRARC 2023 Proceedings Book implies as follows:

1. All authors are in agreement about the content of the manuscript and its submission to the conference.

2. The contents of the manuscript have been tacitly or explicitly approved by the responsible authorities where the research was carried out.

3. The manuscript has not been published previously elsewhere, in part or in whole, in English or any other language.

4. If the submission includes figures, tables, or large sections of text that have been published previously, the author is responsible for having the permission from the original copyright owner(s) to reproduce these items in the extended abstract prepared for the ESRARC 2023 Proceedings Book.


Templates: ESRARC 2023 - template of contribution [301 KB, application/msword]


Consent to publish

Transfer of Copyright: By submitting the manuscript, the author agrees that the copyright for the manuscript is transferred to the publisher.